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Monday, March 29, 2021

Bill Holter: The True Losses Are Hidden


(Click image to watch video)

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter has been predicting the financial system is going to go down sooner than later. He says the signs are the lies being told to the public to try to hold the system together. 

 Holter explains, “If you look at everything, nothing is natural. Everything is contrived. We are lied to about pretty much everything 24/7.

They lied about everything regarding Covid. They have lied about the election. 

 They are lying about the unemployment rate. They are lying about inflation. They are lying about the true amount of total debt outstanding. 

 They are lying about everything. And one other tidbit, 36% of all dollars outstanding have been created now, were created in the last 12 months. Oh, and the Fed is no longer going to publish M2. How can you make a business decision if you don’t know how much money is outstanding?”

This leads us to all the digital dollars sloshing around and Crypto currencies. Holter says, “Crypto currencies are a perceived exit from the system. 

 They are perceived as a safe haven. If Bitcoin, which is nothing but digital air, can become $65,000 per unit, what can something real become worth? What these crypto currencies are doing is illustrating a debasement of all the fiat currencies.”

Bill Holter says big loses in the financial world are being hidden from the public. Take real estate, for example. Holter points out, “The average mall in the United States is appraised 60% lower than it was a year ago. 

That’s a 60% drop. It’s now worth 40%. There is debt on these things they owe. These malls were not bought, built and created out of cash. They were created with credit. 

 So, now, the underlying collateral has crumbled, but because the bankruptcies, foreclosures and evictions have a moratorium on them, from single family homes all the way up to the malls, you are not actually getting to see the real pricing. 

 The devastation has happened, but it’s not become public–yet. 11 million houses across the country are behind on their mortgage payments—11 million houses.

Putting that moratorium on means all that does is hide what really happened. 

The central banks have become the buyers of last resort. If it were not for the central banks (printing massive amounts of money), it would be game over. 

 It’s not natural for the central banks to do what they are doing, but they have to because the system cannot survive without life support. This economy is a patient that has been on life support for more than 12 years.”

In closing, Holter says, “I have no idea on the timing. Could it be in April? Yes, and it could be tomorrow. It is mathematical that the system will implode because there is more debt outstanding than can ever be repaid. 

 That tells you there has to be a default. Either a default of non-payment or, the more likely and more politically acceptable, just smoke the currencies. Make the debt payable by devaluing them by 40% or 90%. Currencies are going to get smoked.”

- Source, USA Watchdog

Friday, March 26, 2021

Another $3 Trillion Spending Bill By Congress Already, $4.9 Trillion More Spending In Under 4 Months

After President Joe Biden just signed a $1,9 trillion "stimulus" bill it appears that a slight Democrat controlled CONgress is attempting to almost immediately follow that up with another $3 trillion infrastructure and health care bill.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Ron Paul: Democracy Cannot Be A License To Steal

Democracy is useful for the peaceful transfer of power. However, in an of itself, Democracy does not equal "Freedom." In fact, neither the Declaration of Independence, nor The U.S. Constitution mention the word "Democracy" anywhere. Is it a coincidence that the U.S. Constitution is almost completely ignored at the same time that America is considered a "Democracy"?

- Source, Ron Paul

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Ron Paul: Who's Responsible For The Notorious Inflation Lies?

As Americans watch their bills relentlessly rise, they're repeatedly told by official sources that there is no inflation, or 'not enough' inflation. According to the Fed, prices aren't rising fast enough! 

They've yet to hit their "inflation target." So which is it? Are your own eyes lying to you? Or are the bureaucrats refusing to come clean?

- Source, Ron Paul

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Bill Holter: Everything Bubble to Bring Massive Systemic Collapse

Bill discusses the events in Texas during the winter storm and why the weather was sigma level abnormal. The forecasts were wrong, and the infrastructure in Texas was not built for those temperatures. 

This was the worst storm in 150 years, but Bill says, "The financial storm that is coming is 100% obvious and certain. There is 280 trillion in debt and one quadrillion in derivatives outstanding, and neither will perform. 

What is a contract valued at that can't perform; the answer is zero, and that is what you have in these markets. 

The debt tail of this dog is ten times larger than the dog itself." Bill thinks the shutting down of the economy eased issues behind the scenes with the credit and repo markets. They took advantage of the situation to stall the inevitable. 

We see interest rates pressured higher, but the danger is in the excessive leverage, and they can't allow rates to rise. 

If they move higher, the economy is finished, so they will choose to rig the system. All financial assets are in the most massive bubble in history. Eleven million homeowners are behind on their mortgages, and what happens when evictions resume. 

Silver remains undervalued, and the gold/silver ratio is well out of the historical range. Most of the silver is already spoken for, and therefore, we must be entering into a shortage. 

We've been heading in deficit for a while, particularly if you look at the metal supply-demand profile. Bill thinks more people are beginning to look at gold and silver as a haven. 

He doesn't know if the Reddit movement will make a difference but has zero doubt that silver and gold will find their real value. At these prices, people are not selling their silver. Raise the price high enough, and some supply will return. 

Everything that you do and use relies on credit and what happens when that system stops functioning. The products and services the world depends on will disappear for a time.

- Source, Palisade Radio