buy gold and silver bullion

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Until There's Nothing Left for Them to Take...

With multiple financial pattern shifts signaling that we are on the precipice of the next collapse, a closer examination of recent financial crises reveals who the big losers are, who the big gainers are, and how the elite set up the inevitable transfer of wealth from the many to the few. 

Lynette Zhang, chief market analyst at ITM trading, returns to Reluctant Preppers to expose the telling findings of her latest research. 

Zang draws the parallels between this present moment in history vs.previous precipitous financial cliffs that we seem to be repeating.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Craig Hemke: Make Believe Gold and Silver Scheme Going to Collapse

Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke has a prediction for gold and silver prices in the not so distant future. 

Hemke says, “A collapse of the scheme they cooked up. This scheme of digital alchemy, this make-believe gold, getting people to accept gold exposure as an alternative to the real thing, is going to collapse too.” 

Hemke says watch the palladium market. It is highly leveraged, and that could be the first metal market to fall when people demand delivery and say ‘I want my metal.’ 

Hemke says, “Right, that’s when the music stops, and that is what we are all waiting for.”

- Source, USA Watchdog

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Future Of Commodities From The Experts That Know Best

What do the mega mergers tell us about the mining sector’s future? 

What is the outlook on gold prices from the most seasoned mining analysts and geologists in the space? 

This panel discussion at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference answers these, and more.

- Source, Kitco News

Friday, February 22, 2019

Ron Paul: Individual Rights vs Collectivist Demands

In a free society, every individual has a right to their life, liberty and property. 

No one may initiate force (i.e., invade) the life, liberty or property of anyone else. 

This is the ideal that must perpetually be in our sights, despite the loud voices who relentlessly push for the opposite.

- Source, Ron Paul

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

How to Invest, Save Taxes, Live Anywhere, and Diversify Internationally in 2019

2019 Internationalization and Investment Summit Livestream. 

Join us from the comfort of your own home and discover all the Internationalization, and Investment information you need to thrive in 2019 and beyond.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Hyperinflation, Socialism and Gold

This week we look at the consequences of Hyperinflation within Venezueala, alongside the risks of growing global & domestic debt. 

How does gold perform in a crisis and why is 2019 such an important year for the precious metals? 

How do politics factor into the markets and what can you do to prepare for what's ahead?

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Mike Rivero: Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste...

Whether you're trying to protect your family from the failing global financial system, or to prepare for how are you going to feed your family if the climate gets hotter or colder, you've got to know what's really happening, so that you can make proper preparations. 

Mike Rivero, host of, returns to Reluctant Preppers to weigh in on what direction things are really headed, and how you can discern the truth so you know what you need to do to take care of your family!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Modern Monetary Theory: Same Old Federal Reserve Nonsense

Authoritarians always rely on "intellectual" justification when selling their schemes to the public. 

This is why you constantly hear the term "experts say" before your liberty and property are taken from you. 

Democratic Socialists have been latching onto "Modern Monetary Theory" in order to justify their takeover of American life.

- Source, Ron Paul

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Chris Martenson: What World Are We Leaving For Our Children?

“More people are thinking just like you are right now. You just don’t know it,” Chris Martenson tells Silver Doctors. 

We’re seeing collapse in the “three E’s”: economy, environment, and energy. Martenson says these collapses are processes not events, and that these changes are happening now. 

In the economy, we're seeing the economy collapse from the outside in. 

First in the periphery countries, then making its way to the core. Regarding the environment, he shares how insects is disappearing. “One does not simply remove the bottom of the food pyramid without eventual consequences.” 

Martenson asks, “What kind of world are we leaving behind?” Changing the way we live impacts not only us, but generations after. He shares how to not only thrive in tough times, but to transform the world for the better. 

He shares how to build a community of likeminded individuals to take this journey with you.

- Source, Silver Doctors

Monday, February 11, 2019

The Consensus is Clear: You Should Own Gold Now

With sentiment for the precious metals returning, outlook on prices turning bullish, and central banks piling on gold reserves, now is a great time to own the metals, according to panelists on the Ultimate Gold Panel. 

Join Peter Hug, Frank Holmes, Peter Schiff, and Roy Sebag in part one of the panel discussion, hosted at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, and find out why the experts think the tide has turned in gold's favor.

- Source, Kitco News

Sunday, February 10, 2019

New Green Deal Mocked Widely, Triggers Predicted Democrat Civil War

Pelosi has already dismissed it as stupid, as it guarantees economic subsidies for those "unwilling to work" and rambles about cow farts.

Get ready for a massive split in the Democratic party. The great schism is about to unfold.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Gold Rush? Central Banks Increase Gold Purchases by 74% Year Over Year, Gold and Silver News

Gold Rush? Central Banks Increase Gold Purchases 74% YOY. 

Hedge Fund Kings - Dalio, Gundlach, Mobius, & Zell Buying Gold. 

Powell Caves: From Concern About Bubble Dynamics To “What Bubble?”

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Gold To Test $1,350 In 2019, Risks Are To Upside

Risks for gold are skewed to the upside as the yellow metal has already seen its lows in 2018, said George Milling-Stanley, Head of Gold Strategy at State Street Global Advisors. 

“I think we’ve tested the downside a good deal in 2018, my guess is that what we’ll do is test the overhead resistance during the course of 2019. I’m seeing prices at or above $1,350 level sometime during 2019.

I think the risks are all to the upside right now for gold,” Milling Stanley told Kitco News.

- Source, Kitco News

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Once “This” Is Done, Gold Will Soar Says Frank Holmes

Currency differentials will be the key to rising gold prices, said Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. Global Investor. 

“Any type of a drop in a rates, gold in a blink of an eye, is $1,500,” Holmes told Kitco News on the sidelines of the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference.

- Source, Kitco News

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Man Who Knew Too Much? He Had to Go?

John Podesta resurfaced on CFR member Erin Burnett's CNN show the other day. Skippy was gloating about the arrest of Roger Stone. 

And although CNN rolled out the red carpet for the Clinton insider who Andrew Breitbart alleged was a cover-upper for child sex traffickers, it was the comment section under CNN's video where the cold hard truth was served.

- Source, SGT Report

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Fed is Controlled: We Can’t Wait, Future Generations Will Suffer

Initial jobless claims shot-up because of the government shutdown, most likely this will disappear once the government stays open. 

Home sales are getting uglier, the rates have been unchanged by the fed and the housing market will not decline as fast, but it is still declining. 

US is in high level trade talks with China, Trump will make a deal before March 1 and the tariffs will be lifted, this will put the [DS] and the MSM in a box. 

The Fed said something very interesting about future generations, patriots are in control.

- Source, X22 Report

Friday, February 1, 2019

John Williams: Flight From Dollar Will Spike Gold and Silver to New Highs

Economist John Williams warns, “This is a very dangerous time both domestically and globally.” Maybe this is why gold and silver prices keep steadily climbing higher. 

Williams says, “As things get worse here, there is going to be a flight from the dollar into other currencies and, in particular, into gold. Gold is the long term store of wealth here.

Where we are ultimately headed here, the precious metals are a long term store of wealth. They preserve the purchasing power of your assets if you have high inflation, you will still have your purchasing power. 

With debt collapsing and currencies collapsing, you are going to end up with inflation. Expanded debt is rapid money supply growth. It is debasement of the currency and debasement of the currency means inflation.

It’s the type of thing that can be accelerated very rapidly if you have another crisis such as a big stock market crash. 

The economy is tanking and people start fleeing the dollar means you are going to be seeing rising inflation. If you see a big hit on the dollar, gasoline prices will go up.”

- Source, USA Watchdog