Friday, September 4, 2020

Paul Craig Roberts: Fed Will Have Major Problems When Gold Hits $3000

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says it will someday come down to one extremely difficult choice for the Fed. 

Dr. Roberts contends, “The way you can measure the pressure on the dollar is rising gold and silver prices. So, if gold and silver continue to go up and you see the dollar under pressure, at some point, the Fed is going to have to make a decision. 

Do they continue to support the stock and bond market to keep financial asset prices up or do they have to let that go and allow interest rates to rise to draw people back into the dollar? That will be a new kind of crisis. 

I can’t predict when it will happen, but at some point, if the dollar becomes in danger as the world reserve currency, which goes to the heart of United States power. That tends to prevail over other considerations.”

- Source, USA Watchdog