Friday, September 25, 2020

Jan Nieuwenhuijs: Central Banks Have Begun Hoarding Gold

Tom welcomes Jan Nieuwenhuijs onto the show to discuss the commodity markets, gold, and the problems within central banking. 

Jan explains how many issues with the Comex are due to misinterpretations of the data, and so far, he doesn't see any fraud. 

There are only unsubstantiated rumors that the Comex has failed to deliver. Futures markets act as a hedge for many players, and it is normal for open interest to be concentrated in the near month. 

This year's deliveries are higher than in the past, but it's quite normal to see large open interest positions.

Jan discusses how speculation on these markets work and why there were many lucrative arbitrage plays early this year. He discusses central bank's activity and why inflation has yet to appear in the financial system. 

QE is creating imbalances in the system, and eventually, inflation will appear because central banks are in a dead-end street and can't reverse. 

Deflation is like kryptonite for central bankers because lower prices result in lower wages, making it more difficult for people to repay debts. 

Jan discusses how gold is fairly evenly distributed amongst the world's nations, and why the trend may be toward a new multi-currency system where gold becomes the benchmark standard. 

Lastly, Jan explains the strategic secrecy around gold by governments and central banks and the risks to the financial system if they discuss gold openly.

- Source, Palisade Radio