Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Alex Newman: Does the Government Think Own Your Children?

​Former teacher, homeschooler, and author of "Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children," 

Alex Newman visits Finance and Liberty and Reluctant Preppers for the first time to warn us that our children and our liberty are in peril. "The education fight — between those who want to provide solid schooling in the three R’s and other subjects and those who want to change kids’ core beliefs — is culminating. 

There is a silent struggle raging right now upon which the future of America and her liberties depends — literally. At its core, the struggle revolves around who will be responsible for children and their upbringing. 

Ultimately, there are only two options: parents or government. Right now, government appears to be winning. It is gaining ground with each passing generation, and with each passing day, through the public education system. 

But if luminaries of the Left get their way, this is only the beginning. The end goal goes far beyond education and touches every aspect of life."