Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Governments and Central Banks Scrambling to Change the Rules!

The 3 Most Important Rules of Investing In This "New Normal" 

1. Politicians and governments can and will change the rules anytime they want, perhaps on a daily basis (moving the goal posts, retroactive rules, moving targets) 

2. Because of rule #1 people should not go "all in" on investing in any one asset class or investing in only one country or company. At least some real diversification is important to protect against known unknowns or unknown unknowns. 

3. People should focus on creating as many possible income streams and inflation hedges as they can from owning different investments and businesses to protect themselves to survive and thrive whatever is coming in the future thanks to the myopic stupidity and rent seeking behavior of parasitical central planners, politicians, bankers, government bureaucrats, etc