Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Warren Pollock: The US Government is A Vector of Theft

Geopolitical and financial analyst Warren Pollock says, “What we think of as our government, the voting booth that is just a veneer that is just to keep people placated. 

This bureaucracy, I think, is a major vector of theft. When we look at the actual function of our system, it is actually atrophied.” So, how do you navigate a bureaucratic system that is out to rob its citizens? 

Pollock says, “How do you get small? Not having a website is one way. Staying out of debt is one way. Not applying for federal programs is another way along with state programs, Medicaid, Medicare, any large debt acquisition.

Getting smaller houses and not getting credit for a new car. There are lots of ways for you to get small, and you will be happier as a result.”

- Source, USA Watchdog