Tuesday, January 30, 2018

If The Deep State Propaganda Fails, Get Ready For The Event From Hell

The cabal (deep state) is scrambling and pushing out as much propaganda as possible. McCabe stepped down from the FBI, some are saying he was forced out, its all coming down and there is no place to hide. 

Bio-metric ids were put into the Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 which requires all American's to have their bio-metrics put into a database. North Korea allegedly says they are cancelling with South Korea because of news agencies negative view. Russia intercepts spy plane in the black sea. 

CIA designates the PKK as a terrorist group while supporting them. CNN and other corporate media outlets say we are not leaving Manbij in Syria, most likely this will happen within a couple of weeks. 

The cabal (deep state) is trying everything to distract and Q warns that if it doesn't work they will resort to an event from hell.

- Source, X22 Report