Thursday, December 7, 2017

Ann Barnhardt: You Are Now Obsolete, The Elites Don't Need You

Have you suffered the disturbing experience of being treated by the system as though you are an unneeded nuisance? And rather than serving your needs, the system is dumping you as though it could go on just fine without you? 

Are you being displaced from one or many of your natural roles (Father / Mother / Employee / Investor / Patient / Customer / Citizen) and disenfranchised of your intrinsic rights? Ann Barnhardt, founder of Barnhardt Capital Management and a firebrand for justice, returns to Reluctant Preppers to examine two recent news stories that starkly exemplify the surreal inversion that is being perpetrated on ordinary people today. 

Don't miss Barnhardt's rousing call for principled individuals to reclaim our natural rights and our lives!