Monday, October 2, 2017

Bill Fleckenstein: The Catalyst That Will Send Gold Surging Above $1400

As we get ready to kickoff trading for the month of October, today Bill Fleckenstein spoke with King World News about the catalyst that will send gold surging above $1,400.

Eric King: “Bill, what do you think will be the catalyst that sends the gold price above$1,400?”

Bill Fleckenstein: “A continuation of the current policies, I guess. I don’t know what it’s going to take for the price to go over $1,400, but what I can say is that there is a perception amongst a lot of investors that the central banks know what they are doing.

Anyone who reads your site probably disagrees with that statement. So here in America, and in Japan and in Europe, problems just get kicked down the road and they grow bigger and larger, which makes…

- Source, King World News