Monday, August 7, 2017

US Dollar Hit AGAIN! Gold & Silver Higher. Stock Market Ripe To Fall.

After reviewing charts, discussing movement in charts and why they act the way they do I have been trying to bring some reason to the table for the past few days as it seems the “markets” may have reached a turning point. That is a dangerous statement because as most of you know and understand these “markets” are 100% rigged and the bullion banksters can move them around at will.

I wrote a couple of days ago that Thursday and Friday we needed to watch the action in several areas and pointing out several indicators that should be very positive for both gold and silver. Below is even more support for everything we have been saying since the first quarter of 2017. This should be a great year for the precious metals and now we are moving into the time of year when paper gold usually moves the most for the entire year!! Hold on tight as the next couple of months could be very exciting or they could be very ordinary. If history is any indicator we should be set up for a great autumn. Only time will tell.

The Federal Reserve Note (FRN) has been moving to the down side for several months and the past 24 hours is no different hitting a two year low...

- Source, Sprott Money