Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jim Rogers tells it like it is!

Jim Rogers: Bernanke Is Lying to Us - Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Jim Rogers tells it like it is.
In the EPJ Daily Alert, I have been pounding away at the fact that no new QE is required, that the money supply (M2) is exploding. Rogers correctly points to this money growth in the clip below.
Also, Larry Kudlow is correct in his view that the European Central Bank is likely to join the Fed in the money printing. If they do, it will be the first time ever that the world could face a massive global inflation.
Kudlow is correct that the stock market will skyrocket under these conditions and Rogers is correct that commodities will soar.
Prepare yourself for climbing prices like you have never seen before, to differing degrees both Rogers and Kudlow know what is coming.