Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jim Sinclair - The View From The Bridge

From outside of North America looking back, the opinion in the Eastern world is that in the last month North America confiscated its citizen’s retirement funds and invaded a country.

The view from this bridge does not enjoinder confidence in the US dollar. It sees gold as a preferential storehouse of value rather than a currency of a spend thrift brute.

The view from this bridge sees traffic crossing it no longer from east to west, but now financially from west to east.

The safest place to be during hyperinflation is not in the midst of brutes, but amongst kind people.

In my opinion, the safest place to be is in Tanzania working, producing, giving employment and respect to the locals, working with the people for mutual best interests.

Times have changed. Change with them and prosper. If you choose to fight the change you will financially perish.

Respectfully from the bridge,
